In order to keep out a potential glut of vehicles from the main Denali,

the main road through the park is closed to vehicles, except for various buses run by the park service. The one we did today was an 8-hour round trip (you can take round trips ranging from 4 hours up to 13 hours!). The ride up and over polychrome pass is hair raising,

as the bus hugs the serpentine road as it makes its way across a precipitious ledge that is the road. At times you would swear you were looking out of an airplaine window. We were hoping to get a glimpse to
Mt. McKinley, at 6,194m, the highest peak in North America. Unfortunately, the mountain is frequently not visible because of cloud cover,

and today was one of those days. We did see some wildlife by the road though, mostly grizzlies.
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