Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thai Cooking's Dirty Little Secret: Palm Oil

Much as I love the Thai food here, and as yummy and as nutritious as it appears, all is not quite as it appears. My suspicions were confirmed today in my cooking class. The unfortunate reality is that almost everything here is cooked with Palm oil, the second worst oil (after coconut oil) there is from a health perspective.

I've suspected this for a while, from the not-quite-full feeling I get after finishing a meal, to the countless acres of tree farms growing palm trees we've scootered past, so the suspicious orange semi-solid-something added to the wok before frying up a banana pancake.

It is ubiquitous here because it is one of the cheapest cooking oils there is. Hopefully rising living standards here will change the picture, but I suspect this will take a long time, given how prevalent its use is.


Hamster said...

Hi. If you are interested in Thai cooking try this website
It's got about 30 recipes each one with a cooking video to go along
Good if you like to try cooking Thai food at home
No Palm Oil or Coconut oil used...and if you don't like coconut milk you can substitute it with milk or soy milk

Guy said...

Hey Ron - interesting. I wonder if from a holistic perspective if that makes Thai food as a whole less healthy than a "standard" North American diet. Of course, the problem around the world is that as societies become more affluent, they start to eat more meat and more fatty foods.