Luang Prabang is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, renowned for its cultural significance. The town, its temples, palaces, and colonial buildings all contribute to a


This evening we met up with a German couple we met on the boat, Ute and Klaus. They are very nice and I was more than eager to amuse them with my poor German. We wandered around and stopped for dinner at this Indian restaurant (oddly, Laos has more Indian restaurants than Thailand, despite being further away). Our waiter was so rude, it was almost amusing. From the way he took our orders with disdain to rolling the eyes when we asked for the bill, it was like a cliche from a bad sitcom. Following that, the four of us found a pub and downed a few Beerlao.
Beerlao is definitely the proudly touted national brand here, and seems to be more ubiquitous than water. Goodness knows were drinking more beer than water since we crossed the border.
Mekong day 1 was 3 bottles, yesterday was 4, and today was 3. And these are big (640 mL) bottles, by the way.
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