Monday, October 15, 2007

*New* Blogging Format: Haiku

As faithful readers to this blog will know, I very much strive to provide an interesting and enoyable reading experience. However, facts are facts: I'm an engineer, and being quite left-brained, felt that my writing might be too prosaic for all the right-brain artsy types out there.

While pondering this connundrum last night in a jet-lag induced bout of insomnia, a way to ameliorate this problem occured to me: Haiku.

The reasons:

  1. It seems appropriate since it is an Asian art from (though originating in Japan, not Thailand).
  2. Though it can be profound and dense, in terms of the benefit to me, its simple structure is much easier than trying to write poetry with the meter and rhyme use by say, a Robert Service ballad.

  3. In terms of benefit to you, the reader, the poems are mercifully short.

So here are some of the results created in said bout of insomnia:

Vogon Poetry:
Third worst in the universe
Challenge accepted

Suspicious Pairing:
Old white men, lovely Thai girls
Plato confounded

Thai markets bustle
Shops sell all that's imagined
But not umbrellas

1 comment:

Sharlene said...

Great post Ron. I'd never have accused you of being uncreative in the first place though (though, perhaps sharing the engineering affliction I'm similarly incapable of judging good writing). Keep on blogging.

Cheers, Sharlene