Thursday, October 25, 2007

Coffee Shake: Ice with a Hint of Dirt

Tonight I ordered a coffee shake with dinner and got totally buzzed and could not sleep, and thought about how best to describe the experience in a blog entry.

For people who follow this blog, you know that I am in the minority of those who do not like coffee. It smells great, but the caffeine buzz that addicts most people has failed to make me overlook the dirt-like taste of it. Carole has been trying to get me addicted for years...

Enter the fabulous coffee shake. With sufficient quantities of milk, ice, and sugar, coffee finally becomes palatable. It is much tastier than you would expect if one were to take a block of gravel-laden glacial ice near a lateral morraine, and ran it through a blender. However, I'm convinced if you added the same amount of milk and sugar, it would be hard to tell the difference, but I digress.

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