This morning we walked up the highway and did a scramble up Summit Peak. The Rockies here seem a lot more weathered, they are basically big piles of scree and rubble, like the Rockies near Banff, but unlike the Rockies further south, they lack the dramatic cliffs of the front ranges. Looking down from the summit, we saw a very verdant valley, it looked like something from Lord of the Rings.
Another thing that struck me was how pristine it was: no railroad tracks, fire roads, cut blocks, siesmic lines, power lines, pipelines or even hiking trails. One could easily imagine this is what the early explorers saw as they made their way west. The subsequent impression was a bit more unsettling: how rare it is becoming to find unscathed places like this.
Hey R&C,
I´ve been looking forward to hearing from you on the road! Good to hear you´re making progress and seeing some cool stuff up there - I remember Stone Mountain from when I was up that way - I even remember the campsites by the lake! Thanks for bringing back good memories.
p.s. is ¨Luxuriating¨ a word? :-)
I'm glad I stumbled onto your Travel Blog. How I wish there were places like that to hike around here. I used to like to hike around western NYS, but since moving to South Louisiana, it's all flat and HOT, and buggy.
Salut vous autres!
ben vous etes ben chanceux... je devrais planifier la meme chose =)
Je vous lis grace a Google RSS Reader... tres utile pour se garder au courant des deplacements de nos amis!
Hey Guys,
I like the pictures you posted along with the blog text. Sounds like you are meeting friendly people along the way. So just how big is this castle tent you describe? At first I imagined a structure with a wooden floor and a Canadian flag on each center pole peak. But, if it’s just relatively large compared to your back backing abode, then perhaps it’s just big enough to fully spread your sleeping bags, using the add a man or two but don’t actually bring them rule.
Happy travels!
Hi Ron and Carole,
Your travel log is great with keeping the family up-to-date on your progress. Everyone says hello and to not to forget the bug spray.
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